Key Facts and Figures

Die Storch-Ciret Group in Zahlen

Thinking Efficiently, Acting Responsibly

With turnover of just under 200 million euros, the Storch-Ciret Group is among the global players in the high-quality painting tool sector. We stand for healthy growth and a responsible and sustainable management policy. Our company has been in majority family ownership for generations. Our equity ratio is close to 50 per cent.

Successful around the world – with strong numbers:

Turnover: 200 million euros per year
Foreign turnover: around 56% in 87 countries
Equity ratio: close to 50 per cent

Organization und Employees

Number of employees: approx. 1,400
Structured employee feedback to executives:
(Locations DE & CZ)
83% satisfaction
Length of service with the company
(Location DE)
50% more than 10 years,
22,5% more than 20 years,
3,3% more than 30 years

Manufacture in Europe & Far East

Paint brushes:more than 10 million per year
Paint roller:around 160 million per year
Plastic parts:225 million per year (trays, grids, handles, lids etc.
Roller frames:25 million per year
Cover Quick:8 million per year

In metaphorical terms

If you used every GSC brush to apply just a metre of paint, the brushstroke would extend from Wuppertal, Germany all the way to the farest end in the east of Russia.

Die Storch-Ciret Group in Zahlen
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